AIDS resources of all the information on AIDS and its prevention


AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, refers to the complex disease by the collapse of the body's natural defenses. The inability of the immune system defend the body against foreign substances, patients with AIDS are particularly susceptible to infections and diseases that do not generally help people with healthy immune system. There are several resources available for AIDS in many countries online. However, sites that aremost affected by AIDS still lacks the resources to learn more about this disease and how to prevent it from spreading as also the means by which they can be treated, too.

Tell a global mandate for AIDS resources are available to everyone. So online, the information is easily accessible, libraries, schools and various institutions, among many other places. There are also television and radio programs devoted to AIDS, fundraising concerts and programs, AIDSLiteracy programs in schools and institutions to support the programs and telephone lines for those who wish to remain anonymous, but they need help for their condition. Comprehensive AIDS information services are made available to researchers, physicians, educators and other health professionals for them to quickly access the latest information on the various funds for AIDS research, diagnosis, treatment, control and prevention, among many others .

AIDS is caused by a virus, like a human beingImmunodeficiency virus or HIV. The virus can be transmitted from person to person transmitted by blood transfusion or sharing of contaminated needles, direct contact with infected blood or blood products, and unprotected sex with an infected person. Pregnant women can infect their children with HIV during pregnancy or delivery and through breast feeding. To develop a majority of HIV infected with the AIDS virus at the end of those.

YouHIV prevention:

Condom use – not using a condom is expired, do not use your teeth, nails or other sharp object to open the box of condoms, do not use condoms and damaged oil-based condom use.

To know – check if your HIV status, especially if you are sexually active and had more than one sexual partner.

Abstain from sex – reduces the risk of HIV.

HIVnot through casual contact such as relocation of handshakes, holding hands or sharing cups, and eat in restaurants with telephones, toilets, coughs or sneezes, and has not begun. Those who are in a high risk of HIV infection are those who have sex with more than one person and do not always use condoms, as well as those stocks of blood contaminated needles, spoons, cotton or with more than one person.

Learn more about AIDS through AIDS resourcesHelp for all those infected and to prevent others about the disease and its prevention. Education is key to preventing any type of illness and the crucial support of the government and other institutions.

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