How The Simple Lemon may Liver & The Body & Heal The Benefit with cancer and HIV / AIDS


For years, the lemon is awkwardly among other fruits SA As children we knew the bitter taste of lemon, and this is that often we were drawn to its special mystique.

In recent years, the lemon has been used to reduce the spread of HIV control and has been shown in studies to kill the HIV virus.

Dr. Peter Piot of UNAIDS, welcomed the discovery that lemon juice kills HIV in test tubes, said: "UNAIDSwant to enter (Professor Roger Short and 'my lemon encourage AIDS Team ") in every way to pursue this exciting new leadership."

Maintaining healthy liver is an important step for the health and recovery from both cancer patients and people with HIV / AIDS.

To survive, according to Dr. Leo Roy MD, ND [Immune] perspective, "No disease, especially degenerative diseases such as cancer and AIDS, more than a couple of weeks in the presence of a healthy liver."

The recent discoveryby those who have HIV / AIDS has found that combining the ease with lemon and extra virgin olive oil, mix together (with the lemon rind and seeds of results) and half a glass of spring water can be and are amazing when you drink to produce every day.

The lemon and extra virgin olive oil, when taken together act as a potent liver and gallbladder flush, detox the liver, lowering the levels of biliruben, removal of heavy metals, increasing the production of bilethe liver, stimulating the lymph flow and restore the pH of saliva, which in turn helps the nutrients from food, you absorb food.

The liver is the body really master of the immune system, which produces chemicals to combat viruses (including HIV) and bacteria, supporting phagocytic [immune], antihistamines and produces substances that neutralize promote the growth of cancer cells, too. If the liver is not functioning properly – and is over-lockedby toxins – the body's immune system severely weakened, a chronic disease. The lemon and extra virgin olive oil to drink not only helps prevent chronic diseases, but works to make it irreversible.

According to Mark Konlee from his paper as Reverse Immune Dysfunction – "The immune system has two" arms "- the systems Th1 and Th2. They tend to be connected: if one is strong, the other is weak, and vice versa. Lemon / Extra Virgin Olive Oil drink has been reported that the balance of twoThe weapons of the immune system. Thus, both suppressed the immune system and autoimmune diseases would be of help (including HIV / AIDS and cancer). "

Restore the normal level of alkaline pH of 7.0 or higher, is of great importance for cancer patients. Lemons are one of the more alkaline forming foods on the planet, and if consumed daily on a regular basis (especially with the bark and seeds) to increase the pH in body and very alkaline, at a levelusually about 7.4 or more, making it difficult for cancer cells, because the amount of oxygen present in order to survive. Most cancer patients have acidic pH values below 6.5, which means that normal cells are not able to breathe or breathe properly. This causes the cells to mutate and become cancerous. This discovery was made by Nobel Laureate Dr. Otto Warburg discovered that cancer cells develop only in conditions of low oxygen. In this way, the simple lemon can help in the fight againstCancer.

Drinking lemon and olive oil to restore biliruben even at lower levels and in patients with liver cancer and liver diseases. Biliruben A high level is an important indicator of a liver damaged. Recently one of my patients with liver cancer, which had a biliruben high level of 36 (which are excluded from chemotherapy), took the first drink with lemon and extra virgin olive oil. He drank his drink first and only on Thursday. The levels of bilirubenwere measured before and 3 days were normal in 36 'was tested on Saturday (one day after their first drink) and its biliruben measure 28, then two days later was measured, and it was) to 22 (near to normal levels! This woman was skeptical, otherwise amazed!

So next time you think of walking on a lemon tree, like the simple lemon can and start a war against two of the world's most devastating diseases – cancer and HIV-wage /AIDS.

For more information on the Lemon / Extra Virgin Olive Oil and drink related articles and research on cancer and HIV / AIDS and against these diseases, of course, go to http://www.alternative

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